The skin is one of the organs most frequently affected by allergic processes. There are several causes for allergy to the skin, but they all usually have two characteristics: skin rash (spots or red plaques on the skin) and intense itching.
If you are suffering from intense itching, skin allergy and looking best homeopathy doctor for skin in Lucknow. Dr. Nishant Srivastav is one of the renowned homeopathy doctor in Lucknow who is an expert in skin specialist. We provide all types of skincare treatments such as- Rashes , Intense itching, Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema. .Hives (Urticaria), Athlete’s Foot, etc.
According to Dr. Nishant Srivastava, itching is not an independent disease. Due to other diseases of the body, itching occurs when the skin becomes dry or the blood is contaminated. Abscesses and pimples occur when a blood infection occurs, causing itching.Due to worms in the stomach, not bathing for many days, itching of the skin due to the formation of dust and dirt on the skin.There are four types of itching skin. Itchy rash without rash; Itchy rash or other symptoms of itching are caused by the rash.
Itching occurs in the entire skin, head, mouth, feet, fingers, nose, hands or reproductive organs. Itching occurs mostly in these places without itching or dry itch can be dry or dry due to these reasons: Causes of Itching Skin Dry Skin - People with dry skin have more itching complaints. They also have problems due to not getting the temperature favorable.